In order to submit a bid online, your company must be registered.
It is the responsibility of interested companies to regularly review our website for updated information pertaining to bids, i.e., addendums, changes in dates, etc.
All addendums MUST be acknowledged on the bid forms. Typically, this is the third (3rd) page of the bid forms.
All questions must be emailed to the Contracts Department at
Do not wait to submit bids online. Anticipate that there may be some technical difficulties. You can always resubmit (prior to the deadline) if additional information is left out. The Contracts Department will always pick up the most recent submission if you need to resubmit your online bid.
If you experience any difficulties when submitting, immediately notify the Contracts Department in writing via email at
The party signing the bid documents MUST be the authorized signer according to the Articles of Incorporation.
No alterations are allowed on the bid documents. If additional information is required, place on “Additional Bidder Data” and submit with bid.
If applicable, a bid bond is due at submission.
If a bid is dropped off in person, the envelope must have the following information:
- Contract Number and Name of Project
(Ext. C-1111 Procurement of Yoyo’s) - Company Name of Bidder